Andreas' Blog

Adventures of a software engineer/architect

Collect IoT data from Arduino in InfluxDB

2021-01-29 5 min read anoff

Did you add some fancy sensors to your Arduino board? If you have internet connectivity via ESP8266 or similar chips you can easily collect and visualize your sensor readings using InfluxDB. This blog post will cover how to send data from Arduino to InfluxDB Cloud (v2) but also to your self-hosted InfluxDB instance (v1).

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Setting up Grafana on Raspberry Pi with Docker (compose)

2021-01-05 4 min read anoff

In previous blog posts I showed you how to setup a Raspberry Pi with docker-compose support and how to run InfluxDB on your Raspberry Pi. This tutorial will add Grafana to your Pi-stack and give you a complete monitoring setup. The InfluxDB+Grafana stack is heavily used in DevOps scenarios but also extremely useful if you want to visualize any kind of timeseries data at home; power consumption, smart home events, computer uptime, amount of devices in your network, weather in your basement … endless opportunities at your fingertips!

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How to setup Raspberry Pi as home server with Docker support

2020-12-29 6 min read anoff

This blog post will cover how to setup a Raspberry Pi with Docker support. It will also cover some basic steps that will make it easier to work with your RasPi later on. This setup will work completely without monitor/keyboard for your Raspberry but you need a LAN connection to it. I wrote most commands so they are easily pastable and do not require too much interactive work - you should however carefully read what is going on with each of those commands before you fire them off!

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Programming ESP and other Arduino compatible chips using VS Code on MacOS

2020-12-28 4 min read anoff

When you are developing microcontroller based projects as a hobbyist you often end up with the Arduino ecosystem and might be tempted to use their IDE. This post will explain how you can develop, program & debug Arduino compatible devices using VS Code. Even though this post is written with a MacOS walk-through it should be valid for other operation systems as well.

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Publishing private npm packages to GitHub Package registry for free

2020-07-26 4 min read anoff

Even though I am a big fan of Open Source Software and try to make my projects open and consumable by others as well, there are cases where you want to keep your stuff private. But even if you work in a closed source environment you still want to use the same tools that you employ in the open source world. In this blog post I will explain how you can create private npm packages for your Javascript/Typescript projects - and I will show you how you can host your private npm packages for free!

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Building autoscaling CI infrastructure with Azure Kubernetes

2019-10-17 9 min read anoff
Ever wanted to create a build agent factory where you do not have to care about how many build agents you need at a given point? With this post I want to share my experience setting up a dedicated CI runner infrastructure with the Azure + Pipelines ecosystem. The main features of the solution are automated scaling, ephemeral build agents, docker based environments, minimal operation responsible and strong pay-per-use billing concepts. Continue reading

Migrating to vuetify 2.1

2019-10-06 6 min read anoff
I just migrated the code for the devradar editor to the latest major version of vuetify. There is an officiel migration guide that helped me solve 70% of the issues but here is a quick overview of the biggest issues I encountered and what actually changed. Note: This post has been updated on 2019-11-01 with a chapter on the new grid system v-flex ➡️ v-col Caution: 🚨 This was written for a migration from vuetify 1. Continue reading

Migrating to Azure Pipelines

2019-08-24 10 min read anoff
Beginning of the year I switched my blogs build chain from Travis CI to drone CI. Due to some tasks with Azure DevOps at work I wanted to test how good it fits my private projects. In this post I will NOT tell you how to set up your pipelines project because Microsoft has great docs for that. Instead this post will cover how to best put your build workflow into a pipeline specification. Continue reading

Preview AsciiDoc with PlantUML in VS Code

2019-05-08 4 min read anoff
This post is for everyone that likes to write AsciiDoc in VS Code but also wants to inline PlantUML diagrams within their docs. In a previous post about diagrams with PlantUML I gave an intro into PlantUML and how to preview images in VS Code. With the latest release of the asciidoctor plugin for VS Code it is possible to easily preview embedded PlantUML images within AsciiDocs. No more need to maintain attributes in each file 🎉 Continue reading

Advanced customization for Antora - PlantUML support & custom UI

2019-04-19 5 min read anoff
This post will cover some slightly advanced steps for building a multi-repository Asciidoc documentation using Antora. My previous post covered basics of Antora and how to migrate existing AsciiDoc files. In this post I will go through the steps of including content from another repository, building a custom UI and adding plantUML support to the (automated, dockerized) build. plantUML supportOne of the most important things for me when it comes to software docs is the ability to show relationships and interactions using diagrams. Continue reading

Continuous Vitae - Auto built and git versioned CV

2019-04-08 6 min read anoff
Versioning your CV is important. One traditional approach is to date it whenever you send it out. I chose to present my CV on my website and host it on GitHub. In this blog post I want to explain how I set up continuous integration pipeline for building my CV that automatically injects a unique version into each build. This method is applicable for anyone choosing to ascii-based CV - in my case LaTeX. Continue reading
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