Andreas' Blog

Adventures of a software engineer/architect

Markdown native diagrams with PlantUML

2018-07-31 9 min read anoff
This post covers PlantUML basics and how it can be used in GitLab or GitHub projects as well as a seamless local development environment using Visual Studio Code. I have been wanting to write this post for months. Lately I have been using PlantUML extensively at work but also in my private projects. You can see it being used in my plantbuddy and techradar projects on GitHub. Using it in different places and for various purposes I came across a bunch of issues that I want to share in this post. Continue reading

GitLab CI/CD for GitHub

2018-03-30 4 min read anoff

When creating a git project that you want to share with others you traditionally had the choice between GitHub with its huge community and tons of integrations, GitLab with a great overall dev experience from issues to one of the best CI/CD solutions out there and BitBucket being one of the friends you have since kindergarten. My personal decision was to host all my personal projects on πŸ¦‘ GitHub. For projects that need CI/CD I tinkered around with πŸ‘·β€ Travis CI and πŸ…ΎοΈ Circle CI on top of GitHub.

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